Would you like to join our hike in Minoh?

We had a nice hike today in Minoh, so that we want to explore a bit more around this area next week. Would you like to join our hike in Minoh on 18th (Sun)? At the moment, we are planning to meet up at Hankyu Minoh station at around 11:30 and start walking up and down hills.

Important UPDATE! The hike will be postponed to a different, not yet specified date due to the miserable health condition of our family. Sorry! (Sat., Nov. 17th)

Danjiri parade

There was a danjiri festival some two weeks ago in our neighborhood. My daughter was fascinated with it and wants to see more. Good for her and for other young fans of danjiri, there is going to be a big danjiri event and a parade in the Suehiro Park this Saturday (Nov. 10) from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m.

Don’t know what a danjiri is or want to get some details? Please contact me or consult the last back cover of the monthly Takarazuka newsletter. There is also some info here (JP only).

Make an autumn picture book

I would like to make an autumn picture book with my daughter. We made a spring picture book around May 2012 and it was quite fun. The spring book is not read a lot so I may need to rethink the method of making it to make it more attractive to Mila (I am still in the process of doing it). Please join, especially if you have some good ideas. Bring some paper, whatever good autumn findings (especially the flat ones, like leaves) and texts (e.g. songs or poems about autumn).

We will meet in the building of a small language school. There is a tatami room, a living room and a kitchen for us to use. There is also a quiet room upstairs where you can nurse your baby or leave him / her for a nap.
Address: Sola language school, Takarazuka, Sakuragaoka 8-29, 12 min. of a very nice walk from JR and Hankyu Takarazuka. There is some free parking space next to the house. Click here for the directions in English if you are walking or biking from the station.

Contact person: Malgosia Murao, malgosia@sola-la.com or 090 1951 6894.